Case Studies

Throughout the years we have dealt with a range of different businesses.  Please read the case studies below to find out more about our clients' experience with us.

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Property Company - Business Growth

As a company that manages both the needs of tenants and investors the business requires efficient, accurate and comprehensive accountancy support.



Information Technology Company - R&D Claim

The company develops bespoke, real-time, payment solutions for merchants processing transactions on credit & debit card transactions.



Financial Leasing Company - Payroll

The company is the leading provider of responsible vehicle finance. They offer fast, easy and affordable ways for customers to finance the vehicle of their choice.



Personal Tax Client

Here we provided a personal tax solution which included self assessment, claiming tax relief on expenses, online accounting and estate planning advice.



Housing Trust Charity

The charity was originally formed in 1985 to provide care and support services to people who were not its residents. Since then it has grown and now provides services to over 8000 people a year.



Digital Marketing Agency - Business Start Up

The agency first approached Morris Crocker in 2003 when the business was still in its infancy and the owners were developing websites for local businesses.



Dental Practice - Online Accounting

The dental practice provides high quality dental treatment, in a friendly atmosphere, to all members of their local community. Nestled on the outskirts of the South Downs, the practice consists of three principal dentists and a number of support staff.



Finance Manager Service

Our client was left in a difficult situation when their financial controller gave notice to leave the business. They could have recruited and paid a replacement but they chose to outsource the accounts department to our finance manager service instead



Property Franchise

Acting for over 100 franchisees with specialist buy-to-let property portfolios, Morris Crocker have gained a wealth of experience in providing accountancy and business support services for this type of business model.



Retail Franchise

Our client first came to us after finding an online retail franchise opportunity which involved sourcing products from Asia and selling to other global markets.




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